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Unveiling our Toni&Guy Magazine redesign

We celebrate 10 years of working with Toni&Guy with a design refresh

Redesigns can be risky, especially if you have a long-standing readership to protect. But when done right, it pays dividends. Even the simplest of design tweaks can refresh a magazine’s editorial vision and breathe new life into a client’s brand.

Our most recent redesign was for Toni&Guy magazine, a title 3CC has held for 10 years. Toni&Guy pride themselves on keeping ahead of the curve, so were keen for the magazine to reflect their ever-evolving approach to fashion and hair, as well as achieve an end product that would incorporate current publishing trends.

Our objectives were simple:

  • To create more space for stories to breathe
  • To introduce a more contemporary feel
  • To maximise exposure of Toni&Guy’s other communication channels

Paper stock and size

A simple but effective way to invigorate tired pages is to change paper stock and tweak page size. We chose a slightly thicker paper to protect image clarity and the page size grew.

Page furniture

  • New fonts were incorporated that make the page less dense. “These fonts are much lighter and modern, but we also used them in a contemporary way, so they feel less heavy on the page” – Tess Savina, Art Director
  • We limited overlapping imagery for a clean look.
  • Pull quotes lend substance to a long read interview feature – these make a frequent appearance throughout the magazine.

Still life shots

Increasing the number of still life shots was an effective way to maintain design consistency across the magazine.

Synchronising with other platforms

We introduced roundels to direct readers to Toni&Guy’s online channels and seamlessly synchronise print with digital.

New talent

One major goal was to work with new talent: photographers, stylists, models, and contributing writers – all of whom brought a fresh perspective and lots of ideas.

Top Redesigns

Harper’s Bazaar – 1934 redesign by Alexey Brodovitch

Credited with bringing European design trends to America, Brodovich’s elegant approach and desire to continuously experiment with layouts earned him legendary status.

The New York Times Magazine – 2015 redesign by Matt Willey

Willey’s bold redesign partly focused on the symbiotic relationship between print and online content.

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